In english
Farm History in Brief
Vihlman-Lehtonen Ltd. has a long-lived history as a poultry hatchery-rearing company. Great grandfather Frans Lehtonen started with PS-stock on early 1930s at Eurajoki-town. As a child has both, Eveliina Vihlman and Veli Lehtonen, started to get acquainted with chickens by themselves. Since those days has the Farm growth to its present state.
In 1990s two ”Chicken Families” collaborated after marriage of Ms. Vihlman and Mr. Lehtonen. Today is Vihlman-Lehtonen’s business involved with familys 4th generation. Education for farming has already started Eveliina and Veli’s firstborn, Iida.
Poultry Colleges in Finland as well as working as a trainee abroad, has given family a vast and specific knowledge of poultry hatchery-rearing. Focus of the business is on PS-stocks of DEKALB. Alongside with poultry is farming barley and oats for fodder.
Isolated environment of rearing houses guarantees that the level of hygiene is very high. With the top quality poultry is Vihlman-Lehtonen Ltd. a national rearing company, having customers all over Finland.